Author, Illustrator and Designer of: Yeti, the power of Yet (2020) Published in Greece by Dioptra Publishing Summary: Yeti is the Boy’s imaginary friend. He follows him everywhere, but can only say a single word… yet! The Boy discovers that this word is a magical word. When he uses it, his brain grows and he can accomplish anything, as long as he keeps trying. The power of yet: A tiny word with so much power, which changes the way we understand and develop our capabilities, and face our failures, by learning to be resilient to change. Are our skills and talents something fixed or they can be developed with effort? Studies have now shown that our IQ * changes during our lifetime. The brain is a muscle, just like the muscles in our arms and legs. By training it, we become smarter. And the way to train our mind is to challenge it with something difficult, something it has never done before. Challenge trains our minds and every failure is a way to learn something new. “I can’t do this... yet!”, “I don’t know how to do it... yet!”, “I don’t understand... yet!” When we think this way, we develop what is called a growth mindset, which understands failure not as proof of our children's inabilities, but as an opportunity to develop their abilities. So, when they fail in something, it simply means that they need more practice—not that they are not smart or capable enough. Every failure is a challenge that should motivate them and not something they should be ashamed of. Every time we fail, it is an opportunity to learn something new and try again. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS UPON REQUEST Age group: 4+